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Fire and Life Safety in Hospitals

Health Care 8-1

Fire safety in hospitals is often overlooked when people think about safety in healthcare, however, NFIRS data reveals that almost half of all fires in U.S. healthcare facilities happen in nursing homes, while hospitals account for around 18 percent.

Given the risks associated with healthcare, the NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code includes requirements for systems and equipment found in healthcare facilities due to the risks related to the industry.  These risks include immobile or critically ill patients who cannot self-evacuate, the presence of chemicals and flammable gases, and the use of complex and expensive equipment. The primary goal of fire safety in hospitals is to ensure the safety of everyone in the facility.

Safe Patient Care Rooms

Hospitalized patients spend significant time in patient care rooms, which must be equipped for treatment and overnight stays. Due to medical conditions, many patients cannot protect themselves, so these rooms need to have heightened fire and life safety requirements.

Considerations for a safe patient care room include using appropriate finishes and furnishings, ensuring the safe operation of medical gas and vacuum systems, correctly installing electrical lighting and power systems, and effectively installing fire alarms and sprinkler systems.

Hospital Evacuation Plans

When creating a hospital evacuation plan, fire safety in hospitals must be a priority. Staff should be prepared to assist patients with limited mobility and evacuate without elevators. All employees must know exit routes and locations, and regular drills ensure readiness for emergencies.

Hospital Fire Protection Plan

A fire protection plan should also be implemented, as different hospital areas may require specific fire suppression systems due to the presence of chemicals, equipment types, or storage of flammable materials. Additionally, exits and entrances should be labeled and kept clear of obstructions.

Operating Room Equipment Safety

Fire safety in hospitals is arguably most important in places like the operating room. The essential components of an operating room are medical gas, electrical, and fire safety. Medical gas and vacuum systems are crucial, with gas-specific outlets and inlets correctly labeled and equipped with primary and secondary valves. Zone valves, located just outside the operating room, allow for quick emergency shutdown. Electrical safety measures include proper electrical receptacles, an isolated power system, battery-powered lighting units, and a connection to the essential electrical system's appropriate branch.

Proper Storage of Medical Equipment

The storage and use of medical gases, such as oxygen, in healthcare facilities pose a significant fire hazard. Additionally, the use of various chemicals and flammable gases, coupled with expensive and complex equipment requiring protection during a fire, makes compliance with the NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code for proper equipment storage crucial for hospitals.

CertaSite is your local partner for fire safety in hospitals helping you to develop a fire safety system that addresses the unique requirements of healthcare environments. We’d love the opportunity to protect your people and property - reach out to us for a consultation today.

Tags: fire safety, education, fire protection