New year, new goals! Let's make sure your business is fire-safe with these resolutions: regular fire drills and emergency exits, keeping fire extinguishers and sprinklers in top shape, fire prevention plans, fire safety training for employees, and regular updates to the fire safety plan. These steps can lower the risk of fires and keep your employees and business safe.
1. Practice Regular Fire Drills and Emergency Evacuations
For fire safety preparedness, it is essential to establish a comprehensive Emergency Action Plan (EAP), conduct regular fire drills, implement protocols, and evaluate fire drill effectiveness. Evaluate the effectiveness of each fire drill and identify areas for improvement, such as communication protocols, response times, and accessibility for individuals with disabilities.
2. Maintain Fire Extinguishers and Other Fire Suppression Systems
Ensure all fire extinguishers are easily reached, fully charged, and regularly inspected by a qualified professional. Make sure all employees are properly trained to use a fire extinguisher for different types of fires. All other fire suppression systems, including sprinkler systems, fire alarms, and smoke detectors, should be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure they work correctly.
3. Prevent Fires Before They Start
To prevent fire hazards in the workplace, identify potential risks such as faulty electrical equipment, overloaded circuits, flammable materials, and improper storage of chemicals. Regular inspections of electrical systems, proper storage and handling of flammable materials, and clear aisles and exits will help mitigate these hazards. Promote a culture of fire safety awareness among employees through training programs, signage, and regular communication about fire prevention practices.
4. Train Employees in Fire Safety 
Ensure all employees receive thorough fire safety training, including fire prevention, emergency procedures, and proper fire extinguisher use. Conduct regular refresher courses to maintain fire safety knowledge and skills. Consider specialized training for employees with specific fire safety roles, like fire wardens and emergency response team members.
5. Regularly Review and Update Your Fire Safety Plan
Keep your fire safety plan up-to-date and effective by conducting periodic reviews. Make sure to communicate any changes due to workplace renovations, new equipment, or personnel changes to all employees.
Want help keeping these resolutions in the new year? We’d love to manage your fire and life safety systems. Reach out to us today for a free consultation.