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Summer Fire Safety Checklist


Summer officially starts June 20 – and it’s the time of year for bonfires, cookouts, fireworks, vacations and all sorts of summertime fun.

It’s a great time to spend outdoors with family and friends, and it’s also an especially essential time to consider fire safety. With higher temps and planned fires as the center of many activities, precautions must be taken to make sure your gatherings stay safe for all of your guests.

Consider this blog your summer safety checklist when it comes to some favorite summertime activities.

Campfires and Bonfires

For many, campfires are a fun part of summer nights or camping trips. Campfires can be cozy on a cool summer night, but it’s important to consider fire safety before you light one.

Campfires should be kept at least 25 feet away from tents, trees, buildings or anything else that could burn. Be sure to look up too – the rule also applies to overhanging branches or other materials.

While the fire is burning, never put anything other than wood into it. Items like glass, cans or other items can explode if put in a fire. And, make sure to keep a close eye on kids and pets while the fire is burning, keeping them at least three feet away at all times for their own safety.

Once you’re done enjoying your fire, it’s time to put it out. Pour water over the fire until the hissing stops. If you’re camping without access to water, you’ll need to let the fire die down to embers, then stir dirt or sand into the embers until they’re fully buried. By the time you’re done, the ashes should be cool to the touch.

For more tips on  , visit our other blog post on just this topic.


Hosting a cookout is another summertime staple for many people. Grilling is a great part of many summer gatherings, and you can keep your guests safe by following a few simple safety tips.

With charcoal grills, be sure that if you’re using lighter fluid, it’s specifically made for charcoal grills. Ideally, use a chimney of charcoal and light using a newspaper, or use an electrical fire starter.

With gas grills, always check your gas tank hose for leaks before using it each season. If you smell gas while cooking, immediately move away from the grill and call the fire department – do not move the grill. And, always make sure your gas grill lid is open before lighting it.

With all grills, there are some general safety guidelines to follow, including:

  • Only use grills outside and place them at least 3 feet away from anything flammable.
  • Keep children and pets at least 3 feet away from the grill at all times.
  • Clean the grill before each use with a grill brush.
  • Never leave a grill unattended.

For even more grilling safety tips, visit our blog.


The Fourth of July will be here before we know it – and fireworks are a festive part of many of those celebrations. However, fireworks can be extremely dangerous if used incorrectly, with more than 19,500 fires started by fireworks annually.

Some basic safety guidelines include:

  • Never give fireworks to small children
  • Never throw or point a firework toward anyone or anything
  • Keep a supply of water or a hose nearby
  • The person lighting fireworks should always wear eye protection
  • Light one firework at a time
  • Store fireworks in a cool, dry place away from children and pets
  • Don’t relight a firework that doesn’t go off

Better yet – skip the fireworks altogether and opt for a celebration with glow sticks, or attend a show put on by the professionals.

Secure Your Home or Office When Away

Finally, if you have any vacations planned this summer, make sure that you secure your home or office while you’re away.

At the office, let your IT department know you’re leaving, if you have one, so they can make sure your workspace online stays secure. If you have an office, be sure you lock it on the way out, as well as locking any drawers with important files or equipment.

Turn off or unplug any unnecessary electronics, and especially any space heaters. Keep your business well-lit and let any neighbors or your landlord know that you are out if you’re the business owner, so they can keep an eye out. Check your fire protection equipment to make sure it’s all in working order and utilize a security system.

At home, you can also use a security system – ideally one with automatic outdoor and indoor lights, so it appears you’re home even when you are not. Consider investing in a video doorbell, as well as door and window sensors, so you know who’s approaching your home and also if any doors or windows are opened while you are away. If you can, avoid mentioning the trip on social media so people don’t know that you are away for an extended period, and be sure to stop the newspaper and mail while you’re gone or have it collected by a trusted friend or family member, so it doesn’t stack up. You can also see if a neighbor or friend would be willing to stop by while you’re gone, so people know the house is being watched.

Summer is a time for tons of seasonal fun – and with a few steps to ensure fire and life safety, you can make sure it’s a summer to remember, but for all the right reasons.

Tags: preferred protection, weather, industry